Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Definition and Examples of Diglossia (Sociolinguistics)
Definition and Examples of Diglossia (Sociolinguistics) In sociolinguistics, diglossia isà a situation in which two distinct varieties of a language are spoken within the same speech community. Bilingual diglossia is a type of diglossia in which one language varietyà is used for writing and another for speech. When people are bidialectal, they can use two dialects of the same language, based on their surroundings or different contexts where they use one or the other language variety.à The termà diglossiaà (from the Greek forà speaking two languages) was first used in English by linguist Charles Ferguson in 1959. Diction Versus Diglossia Diglossia is more involved than just switching between levels of diction in the same language, such as going from slang or texting shortcuts to writing up a formal paper for a class or report for a business. Its more than being able to use a languagesà vernacular. Diglossia, in a strict definition, is distinct in that the high version of a language isnt used for ordinary conversation and has no native speakers. Examples include the differences between standard and Egyptian Arabic; Greek; and Haitian Creole.à In the classic diglossic situation, two varieties of a language, such as standard French and Haitianà creoleà French, exist alongside each other in a single society, explains author Robert Lane Greene. Each variety has its own fixed functions- one a high, prestigious variety, and one a low, orà colloquial, one. Using the wrong variety in the wrong situation would be socially inappropriate, almost on the level of delivering the BBCs nightly news in broadà Scots. He continues the explanation: Children learn the low variety as a native language; in diglossic cultures, it is the language of home, the family, the streets and marketplaces, friendship, and solidarity. By contrast, the high variety is spoken by few or none as a first language. It must be taught in school. The high variety is used for public speaking, formal lecturesà andà higher education, television broadcasts, sermons, liturgies, and writing. (Often the low variety has no written form.) (You Are What You Speak. Delacorte, 2011) Author Ralph W. Fasold takes this last aspect a bit further, explaining that people are taught the high (H) level in school, studying its grammar and rules of usage, which they then apply to the low (L) level as well when speaking. However, he notes, In many diglossic communities, if speakers are asked, they will tell you L has no grammar, and that L speech is the result of the failure to follow the rules of H grammar (Introduction to Sociolinguistics: The Sociolinguistics of Society, Basil Blackwell, 1984). The high language also has more intense grammar- more inflections, tenses, and/or forms than the low version.à Neither is diglossia always as benign as a community that justà happensà to have two languages, one for law and one for chatting personally. Autor Ronald Wardhaugh, in An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, notes, It is used to assertà socialà position and to keep people in their place, particularly those at the lower end of the social hierarchy (2006). Different Definition of Diglossiaà Other definitions of diglossia dont require the social aspect to be present and just concentrate on the plurality, the different languages for different contexts. For example, Catalan (Barcelona) and Castillian (Spain as a whole) Spanish, dont have a social hierarchy to their usage but are regional. The versions of Spanish have enough overlap that they can be understood by speakers of each but are different languages. The same applies toà Swiss German and standard German; they are regional. In a bit wider definition of diglossia, it can also includeà social dialects, even if the languages are notà completely separate, distinct languages. In the United States,à speakers of dialects such as Ebonics (African American Vernacular English, AAVE),à Chicano Englishà (ChE), and Vietnamese English (VE) also function in a diglossic environment. Some people argue that Ebonics has its own grammar and appears related in lineage to Creole languages spoken by enslaved people of the Deep South (African languages melding with English), but others disagree, saying that its not a separate language but just a dialect.à In this wider definition of diglossia,à the two languages can also borrow words from each other.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Endometriosis essays
Endometriosis essays Pain in the bowel during menstruation Pain when passing urine (especially at the You may have endo especially if the problems above are: So bad that you miss school, sport or work So painful that you have to stay in bed Not helped by the usual treatments for period pain eg. Over the counter pain killers Occurring at the same time every month Endometriosis, endo for short, is a condition where Endometrium (the lining of the uterus) comes away when you have your period. This tissue, which has come away may be found on the ovaries, uterus, bowel or peritoneum. On rare occasions it can be found in other distant sites. This bleeds at the It is most probable that if a woman has endometriosis It is only possible to be absolutely sure of the diagnosis by the direct observation of the misplaced endometrium. For this to be found means a laparoscopy where a fine telescope is inserted through a tiny incision into the abdominal cavity to allow a good look of the pelvic organs. Sometimes to confirm diagnosis tissue samples are taken. There are many theories, which have developed Retrograde Menstruation Theory suggests that the endometrial cells from the uterus are pushed through the fallopian tubes and into the abdomen where they implant and grow. Embryonic Tissue Theory suggests that the endometrial tissue was present abnormally when the woman was an embryo, and which becomes active later in reproductive life. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International relations - Essay Example This paper discusses the currency war that has been in the center of discussions of the major economic powers of the world in the context of international relations and the impact of policies and actions by the different parties on the global economy and the global political order. The discussions relating to the currency war cannot but take on a heavy slant in economics and economic policy, even as one cannot argue that trade is a major force that knits or destroys relationships among nations, something that has been discussed in much detail in many theoretical discussions in international relations. The latest round of efforts by the major powers in particular by the United States and Japan has been hailed as efforts that have come to be identified with a budding currency war. For instance, efforts to keep interest rates low are in keeping with the two country economiesââ¬â¢ interests in spurring borrowing and economic activity from such lowered interest rates, but the net effec t of the actions tied to this have been a downward pressure on their currencies, leading to a currency devaluation in practice if not in direct fact. The consensus even among the major central banks in Europe is that indeed the currency war is at hand, with Japan, for instance, deliberately setting the stage for a weaker yen on the back of announcements to pump massive amounts of liquidity, to the tune of US 1.4 trillion dollars, into the Japanese economy for the next 24 months. This has led to the yen depreciating by 14 percent after the announcement versus the US dollar. A weaker currency helps countries like Japan because it allows them to export their products at lower prices compared to competitors in other countries. At the same time, a weaker currency allows a country to shore up its investment base, owing from the way the weaker currency reflects the efforts of government, such as Japan, to infuse liquidity and to keep interest rates low, all in the name of priming the count ry economies for growth (Chavez-Dreyfus; Popplewell; Morley-Freer; Tan and Noonan). Of course this state of affairs is not lost on China, which has said likewise that the move by Japan to infuse massive amounts of liquidity into the Japanese economy is, as others have noted, tantamount to launching a currency war. Already, Chinese economists have pressed the panic signal owing to the fact that the infusion has resulted in the massive weakening of the value of the Japanese yen, which in effect is also a devaluation of the currency done through the liquidity infusion rather than by direct means. In retaliation, the Chinese economists have urged the Chinese government to launch its own moves aimed at devaluing the yuan, The interconnectedness of world trade and the way trade has become so intertwined that it has come to dominate discussions in international relations more than war is being demonstrated in the way the move by Japan is causing a cascade of effects through the global econ omy and potentially hurting many players. For instance, in China, the prognosis is that the de facto devaluation of the Japanese yen would cause a diminishing of the competitiveness of Chinese exports. Moreover, the move by Japan to infuse money into the system while keeping interest rates down is being seen as encouraging speculative activities across borders. Speculators may use low interest rate loans from Japan to borrow money that they can then use to speculate in Chinese securities and investment instruments, causing havoc in the Chinese equities and financial markets. It is in these terms that the Chinese are viewing the currency devaluation in Japan and the United States, and it is along the lines of Japan waging an economic war that the Chinese econo
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The unfair portrayal of Islam in the West Essay
The unfair portrayal of Islam in the West - Essay Example Muslims all over the world are now seen with contempt and hatred by the western community. This is more like a generalization about the whole western world but to some extent it is true. Some important questions arise as to who is responsible for this drastic transformation? Why has such a change taken place? Why does West feel threatened by Islam? For how long this war between West and Islam will continue? What can be done to change the image of Islam in the minds of the western community? For decades there has been a social war between the west and Islam. Their concepts and culture differ from the very beginning. There has always been a very well defined boundary between both the worlds. One cannot ignore the fact that power of the whole world lies in the hands of the West. The West sees Islam as a conservative religion and considers the followers of this religion as narrow-minded beings. Muslims all over the world are being discriminated and in some places it is even seen that they are humiliated. But this is more like digging into the past and gaining evidence on the basis of social sciences. The present scenario of the world is more important to answer the above mentioned questions (Shadid & Koningsveld 2002). It all started when the world was shaken by the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre. According to the investigation reports it was found that the people responsible for these attacks were Muslims. This was the first time when the whole world came to know about Taliban and Al-Qaeda. These are Muslim groups that are believed to be the backbone of all terrorist activities going on in the present world. In the last decade this world has faced the most ominous terrorism events. A list of examples can be quoted where the West has linked Muslims to terrorism in the present day. London Bombings and Mumbai Bombings are a great example of such events. After the 9/11 attacks, London also fell as a victim to the terrorist activity. On July7, 2005 Londonââ¬â¢s transportation system was hit by deadly explosions. Three bombs exploded in the underground tubes and one explosion took place in a double Decker bus. Together these four suicide bombings took away the lives of fifty-six innocent peo ple and left more than seven hundred and fifty injured. When the investigation report was issued, it stated that the attacks were conducted by group of Muslim people. And the reason stated for the motivation of these attacks was that this group of people wanted justice because they perceived that West was unjust to the Muslims. But the authorities failed to report how these attacks took place and even the involvement of Al-Qaeda remained unclear in the report. Now this is where the role of media came in (BBC News 2005; Amin 2003). Media has been the main factor after the terrorist activity that has led to the deterioration of the image of Islam in the minds of the Western community. Media exaggerates all such activities by showing sick videos of the event and its victims. The vocabulary that the media uses to narrate such events is enough to cause disgust against the Muslims. This all sounds more like a game. It all seems like the West is trying to plot against Muslims. Western medi a is the strongest and the most impactful media. They show what they want to and create the exact impact that they aim to (Amin 2003). Everything is in bits and pieces but when joined together it all gives the same conclusion that Muslims have been cornered out by the West. Now the situation is that whenever a terrorist activity takes place, even before the investigation starts, Muslims are believed to be behind that. And somehow or the other, evidence is created in such a way that the end result is that Muslims are behind the whole terrorist
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Birth Order and Aggressive Behavior Essay Example for Free
Birth Order and Aggressive Behavior Essay ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine if birth order correlates to a demonstration of aggressiveness in kindergarten aged children. It is hypothesized that middle born children will demonstrate the most aggressive tendencies, last born children would experience less than the first born, and only children would have the least when compared to all other birth orders. This quasi-experimental methodology will involve a field study of children from the ten kindergarten classes at the Seoul American Elementary School (SAES). Teachers will be asked to complete the Child Behavior Scale (CBS) inventory on each child, used to measure six behavior categories related to aggression. Each CBS inventory will include birth data for the student whose behavior was observed. The findings are expected to show a correlation between birth order and a tendency toward aggression. INTRODUCTION Everyone who is born into a family arrives relative to other children who have already been born or will be at some point in the future or perhaps as an only child. Birth order does not permanently mark each child such as race or gender, but it can impact on the way a person responds to the environment. There have been a number of studies done on the relationship of birth order to personality, intelligence, anxiety and other characteristics with the belief that each child born into a family is treated differently based on their birth order, family interaction and subsequent challenges. Some birth order theorists believe that a childs position in the family greatly influences their personality characteristics which directly affect their behavior both inside and outside of the home (Morales). Not every theorist has the same view and there are those that believe a psychological birth order has more impact than the physical birth order on the development of personality characteristics (Campbell, White Stewart, 1991). In his book, Born to Rebel, Frank Sulloway describes how birth order influences our lives in many different ways from achievement to rebellion and from conformity to creativity (The Edge, 1998). While firstborns and laterborns are not much different in overall levels of creativity, the differences in how that creativity is exercised is very different. Firstborns are more likely to win the Nobel Prize by intellectual achievement within the system while the younger siblings will be more inclined to accept radical innovations in science and social though. His findings showed that revolutionaries and those who supported them were disproportionately likely to be later-borns (Sulloway, 1999). While not every social scientist agreed with Sulloways research (Harris, 1995; e.g., Falbo, 1997 ), others conducted follow-up studies that confirmed the original findings (Zweigenhaft Ammon, 2000), and Freese, Powell Steelman discovered measures in addition to birth order to help explain reasons for various behaviors (1999). This study hopes to build on previous research to determine whether a correlation exists between birth order and a childs tendency to demonstrate aggressiveness. METHOD Coordination with the Seoul American Elementary School (SAES), a Department of Defense Dependent School located on Yongsan Army Base, Yongsan, Seoul, Korea, will be done to get permission for the study. Permission from the school and the parents of the children selected will be obtained prior to the start of this study. PARTICIPANTS This study will be conducted in the classroom during normal school hours for all students attending the ten full day Kindergarten classes at SAES during a specified 30 day period of the school year. There will be approximately 360 students for this study with an equal number of girls and boys, with 45% of the class comprised of Asian-Americans, 20% African-Americans, 15%Ã Latin-Americans and the remainder Caucasians. APPARATUS/MATERIALS Teachers will be provided the Child Behavior Scale (CBS) inventory as a means to assess aggressive, prosocial, and withdrawn behaviors of children ages 5-6 years of age. The CBS contains 59 items for which the teacher must respond using a 3-point response scale (1=doesnt apply, 2=applies sometimes, 3=certainly applies) (Ladd Profilet, 1996). The CBS measures six categories of behavior as follows: aggressiveness with peers, prosocial behavior with peers, exclusion by peers, asocial behavior with peers, hyperactive-distractible behavior, and anxious-fearful behavior. Copies of the CBS inventory and permission for its use will be obtained from its author, Dr. Gary Ladd, at Arizona State University (an email request has been sent copy of email attached). PROCEDURE Teachers from the 10 Kindergarten classes will observe their students for a specified 30 days during the school year, completing the CBS inventory for each student during that time. The teacher will indicate the birth order of the child on the completed inventory which will then be turned in to the SAES front office to be picked up by the study group. RESULTS The expected results will validate the hypothesis that middle born children will tend to demonstrate more aggressive behavior than either first born, last born or only children. Tables are expected to be used for this study and will include a listing of the CBS subscale items related to firstborn, middleborn, lastborn and onlyborn, further identified by girl and boy. An example follows: DISCUSSION Apart from the effects of birth order, there is little information about the ways in which the nonshared environment influences human development, mainly because psychologists have not been successful in developing direct measures of this environment. The challenge for future researchers lies in devising ways to test competing hypotheses that bear on the nature and influence of this elusive environment. Peer groups are an important aspect of this type of environmental influence, but so is the family environment and life experiences as well (Sulloway, 98). REFERENCES Campbell, L., White, J., Stewart, A. (1991). The relationship of psychological birth order to actual birth order. Individual Psychology, 47: 380-391. Falbo, T. (1997). To rebel or not to rebel? Is this the birth order question? Contemporary Psychology, 42: 938-939. Freese, J., Powell, B., Steelman, L.C., (1999). Rebel without a cause or effect: birth order and social attitudes. American Sociological Review, 64: 207-231. Harris, Judith Rich. (1995). Where is the childs environment? A group socialization theory of development. Psychological Review, 102: 458-89. How is Personality Formed? A Talk with Frank J. Sulloway (1998). The Edge Foundation, Inc., Third Culture. Accessed on 13 Feb 2004 at: . Ladd, G. Profilet, S. (1996). The child behavior scale: A teacher-report measure of young childrens aggressive, withdrawn, and prosocial behaviors. Development Psychololgy, 32 (6), 1008-1024. Morales, C. (1994). Birth Order Theory: A Case for Cooperative Learning. Journal of Instructional Psychology 21: 246-250. Rubin, R. Hubbard, J. (2003). Childrens verbalizations and cheating behavior during game playing: the role of sociometric status, aggression, and gender. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 31: 65-78. Solo, R., MacLin, M., (2002). Experimental Psychology. Boston: Allyn Bacon. Sulloway, F. (1999). Birth Order in Runco, M. Pritzker, eds., Encyclopedia of Creativity, 1:189-202. Zweigenhaft, R., Ammon, J., (2000). Birth Order and Civil Disobedience: A Test of Sulloways Born to Rebel Hypothesis. Journal of Social Psychology, 140: 624-628.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Spanish Resistance to Napoleon Essay -- essays research papers
à à à à à Napoleon and the Spanish Resistance à à à à à Throughout time, the military has been considered one of the key features in a civilization. It has been considered the heart and soul of many countries and empires and has been the center of many cultures. Throughout history we have seen many military leaders and military powers. We have seen military techniques and technology change as we progress. Our schools are filled with legends of great war heroes and hard-fought battles. One such hero is Napoleon Bonaparte, perhaps one of the greatest generals who ever lived. In his adventures and conquest, as general of the French army, he warred against many lands. These included Spain, in which Napoleon met a strong resistance. The Spaniards were using a new military strategy called guerilla warfare, one that Napoleon had no experience against. Guerilla warfare is the use of unconventional war tactics, such as ambush and sabotage, coined by the Spanish rebellion to Napoleon Bonaparte, resulting in an uprising that even he couldnââ¬â¢t put to rest. à à à à à To understand why these tactics were so effective, you must first understand the tactics themselves. Before guerilla warfare was popularized, war was mainly a head-to-head meeting between two armies. This idea of mass confrontation was considered a formal and more manly way to conduct war. However, the Spanish noticed drawbacks to this idea. They had far fewer numbers than the French and by using traditional war methods they were destined for failure. The Spanish started to use guerilla tactics. à à à à à Traditional wars at the time were decided, often, just by a couple of mass confrontations between the two opponents. Each battle would usually consist of a significant number of soldiers going straight towards each other until they forced the other to retreat. Guerilla warfare on the other hand doesnââ¬â¢t rely on this premise. In order to successfully defeat your opponent using guerilla tactics, you must rely instead on a series of smaller confrontations (Free Dictionary). By using these ââ¬Å"hit-and-runâ⬠strategies, guerilla fighters can quickly tire theyââ¬â¢re opponents and not lose as many men. Another difference, is that guerilla war relies heavily on ambush. Ambush is when the ambushing force uses concealment to attack an enemy ... ...oleon returned and heard of the defeat he knew it was the end. Finally realizing that his unstoppable armies had been stopped for good he abdicated on April 11th, 1814. The Peninsular War has helped diminish Napoleonââ¬â¢s armies and expose his weaknesses. His enemies had finally caught on and in the end it was the great Napoleon who finally gave up. à à à à à Guerilla warfare is the use of unconventional war tactics, such as ambush and sabotage, coined by the Spanish rebellion to Napoleon Bonaparte, resulting in an uprising that even he couldnââ¬â¢t put to rest. Guerilla warfare, more in depth, is the use of tactics that donââ¬â¢t involve mass confrontation. They rely more on long drawn out smaller confrontations, slowly but surely weakening the enemy. The most prominent of these was the Peninsular War, fought between the French and the British and the Spanish guerillas. The British were able to keep a strong defensive position and with help from the guerillas eventually drove out the French regime. This loss brought Napoleon closer to defeat and his enemies realized it, causing them to go on the offensive and sack Paris, the final blow to the great Napoleon Bonaparte.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Environmental Effects When Species Become Extinct Essay
Animals are, like us, endangered species on an endangered planet, and we are the ones who are endangering them, it, and ourselves. They are innocent sufferers in a hell of our making. Now a days is common to listen that more and more kind of animals are going to be part of a long list of species in extinction called ââ¬Å"the red listâ⬠, When a animal is endangered it means that they are disappearing fast or have a very small population. Every day we can see in the media the great campaign that is carried out to preserve these animals, as for example: they are keeping in zoos, they have attended reproduction, they have their habitat protected, and however, it is really necessary? Does it affect in something to the environment that a species extinguishes? Does it affects to humans also? DAVID M.à RAUP in his article called ââ¬Å"The role of extinction in evolution (2004)â⬠said: ââ¬Å"The extinction of species is closely tied to the process of natural selection and is thus a major component of progressive evolution. In some passages of the Origin, Darwin seems to have seen extinction as part of natural selection; in others, as an inevitable outcome. â⬠so why a lot of people are trying to defend the preservation of these species? Let? s analyze the reasons for which animals in extinction should be conserved. It remains all the scientists agree with which the extinction of the species has been part of the development of the earth during all its existence, According with Juliette Jowit (2010) ââ¬Å"Extinction is part of the constant evolution of life, and only 2-4% of the species that have ever lived on Earth are thought to be alive todayâ⬠When a species disappear, new ones emerge, it has happened during millions of years, such it is the case of the extinction of the dinosaurs or the ââ¬Å"dodosâ⬠. In addition we have to bear in mind that to preserved a species is too difficult, this requires of big quantities of money, and not all countries has the possibility to do that. A good example is Ecuador with their project to preserve the ââ¬Å"Yasunni ITTâ⬠. It is an extensive area of wild earth that contains big quantities of petroleum but it also has a great flora and fauna diversity. Ecuador requested economic help to other countries to maintain the petroleum under earth, but a great acceptance has not existed to this project and it is feared that to future the exploitation of this area will be unavoidable. On the other hand, there is not denying that researches show that the species extinction increases since the human appeared, and now days the rate of animals in extinction has been duplicated for many reasons, the global warming, habitat loss, hunting, pollution and so on. How it affects to the environment? Michael Evans (2011) says: ââ¬Å"The more species disappear, the more entire eco-systems become vulnerable and would eventually fall apart as the links in the food chains become brokenâ⬠It means that the eco-system is a big net where animals and plants are related each others, if some of them disappear, the others won? t have food, home or protection and they also will be in danger. Likewise humans can be affected with this deal, according with Michael Greenwell (2007) ââ¬Å"Species provide economic value in the form of food crops, fuel wood and lumber, paper, and medicineâ⬠. The genetic information in species is also very important to mankindâ⬠Seen like that of the survival of certain animals ours also depends. I am entirely in favor of animal conservation because as we can saw, the animal extinction affects a lot in the environment, itââ¬â¢s certain that the variety of species and their habitats have an important role in ecosystem function and in the many services ecosystems provide. These include nutrient and water cycling, soil formation, plant pollination, climate regulation, and pest and pollution control. If we donââ¬â¢t have this benefits from ecosystem the life could be impossible. It is necessary that people, as thinking beings, should take the responsibility of preserving the life of plants and animals that compose the big planet called Earth. Let? s think about the Charles Darwin? s thought: ââ¬Å"so profound is our ignorance, and so high our presumption, that we marvel when we hear of the extinction of an organic being; and as we do not see the cause, we invoke cataclysms to desolate the world, or invent laws on the duration of the forms of life! To sum up, Although extinctions are a normal part of evolution and it is almost impossible that a species survives forever, in the last times the rate of animals in extinction has been duplicated in an alarming way, by reason of this the ecosystem is suffering a imbalance with serious consequences for itself and for humans. For this reason it is indispensable that people realize the important of animal conservation, just in this way future generations will enjoy the wonderful nature that the Earth has.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Analysis and findings Essay
As clear from the response of the respondentââ¬â¢s organization do have specific department and people working for the packaging. They work within the guidelines of corporate regulations and findings of consumer surveys conducted time to time. The packaging is changed according to the product categories like male, female or any else. The Colour and shape choices depend on the target consumer group. During special occasions the packaging changes to attract the consumers. The respondent agrees to the fact that Colour and graphics have impact on the consumer decision making. Validity and reliability The interview was based on the conversation between the researcher and respondent. The researcher tried to keep the interview within the parameters of the research objectives and according to the questionnaire. However researcher was open to any interesting fact regarding packaging and consumer behaviour. Recommendations It is evident from the findings and analysis of data that any organization to get hold on the market during special occasion needs to have appropriate strategies for its target market. The input of these appropriate comes from the understanding of the market and consumer behaviour. All the aspects of marketing mix become equally important during this particular time of special occasion. Consumer looks for products to meet his existing requirement. As revealed in the study people like to give or receive good and attractive packaging while receiving any gift or giving any gift. Various attributes of packaging are deeply rooted in the cultural aspects of our society. â⬠¢ Organizations need to focus on specific behaviour on the packaging based on their demographic profile and cultural set ups. â⬠¢ Organizations should consistently work with its design team and marketing department to change or upgrade the packaging system within the organization. â⬠¢ There should be clear cut understanding among the employees regarding gifts packaging and organizationsââ¬â¢ strategy. â⬠¢ Along with Colours, company needs to focus on the other variables in order to develop attractive packaging. â⬠¢ Ethnic Background: As it is evident from the research that different ethnic group responds differently to the components of packaging. Hence it is important for the marketer to take care of the aspects of ethnic background. For instance if the marketer is operating in the area with more number of people from Black Others community, marketer can focus on the ââ¬Å"Shapeâ⬠of packaging and provide packaging services in different shapes as for this community ââ¬Å"shapeââ¬â¢ is the most important aspect of the packaging. On the other hand Black African community focuses on graphics, size and material, Asian and White community feels Colour to be most important aspect. Hence marketer depending upon the demographic profile need to have difference in packaging strategies for its products during special occasions. Conclusion and implications From the analysis of qualitative and quantitative research it can be concluded that the factors of packaging are important for the customer in their decision making process in the normal situation as well as the special occasions. The age group of the respondent dominating this research was 22-30 years old, followed by people within the age group of 41-50 years who are 20% of the total respondents. There is representation of various ethnic group however the majority of respondents were white and females followed by Asians. Majority of the respondent buy gifts for some one at least once in a month. Majority of respondents agreed to the good feeling attached to the gifts presented in Colourful packaging during festivals. Majority of respondents also feel that during special occasions the packaging of the products are more bright and Colourful than normal. 58% of the respondent felt that people are attracted by different shapes and sizes of gift items. Respondents believe that packaging style varies according to the occasions. Respondents perceive that they are attracted to different shapes and Colours of the products (40%) when they buy something for special occasion. Colourful and attracting packaging makes good impression about the sender to the receiver (93% agreed). The preferred component of the packaging is Colour irrespective of gender of the respondent and least preferred is text on it. The difference in the ranking of other attributes indicates the difference created by gender in order for the packaging decisions. The preference ranking of the components of packaging was compared by adding all the responses. The qualitative data analysis provided organization perspective of the gift packaging on special occasion. It revealed that organizations not only pay attention to the packaging, graphics, designing and Colouring of it but also conduct research time to time to understand the changing needs of consumers and his preferences. The packaging decisions for male and female consumer products differ from each other. This is with respect to the fact that different Colours have been associated with specific genders within our society. The difference in the preference and choices for various components of packaging is evident from the primary research. It is clear that people from different ethnic background respond differently to different aspects of packaging. For people from the Asian and White community Colour is most important aspect. For Black others it is shape which is most preferred. For Black African graphics, size and material are equally important. The findings are within the conceptual framework of the paper that components of the packaging have impact on consumer during special occasion. From quantitative and qualitative both the research importance of different packaging during special occasion has revealed. Any marketer to server its consumer needs to understand the consumer behaviour of his target group. The marketing mix has different important aspects to it and one of these aspects is packaging. Packaging itself is influenced by various factors from individual customer, his age, gender, ethnic background to culture society, socio-legal structure and many others. Competition is increasing day by day and margins are shrinking. Perfection is required in each sphere of business operations. People have less time and overall social and cultural set up is changing. Organization needs to understand these changes as frequently as they take place and utilize this information in formulating business and marketing strategies. Putting emphasis on the packaging aspects of the product companies will be able to attract more consumers to make buying decisions. Limitations of study One of the areas of concerns while developing this paper was minimisation of the errors and work with least number of limitations. However there have been various studies conducted in the past regarding packaging and different aspects related to it among various section of society. There have been another set of studies regarding the attitude among respondents towards packaging, environmental concerns and green packaging which is one of the burning issues today. Within the limited time period and availability and reach to the resources it was not possible to incorporate all of them. Other limitation is related to number of respondent and sample size. However with the changes in demographic and geographic factors responses of the respondents varies. The larger sample would have provided more accurate results. Limitations to the research would in fact include many different considerations. Background information in regard to how the respondents learn and decide about various kind of packaging is limited. Certainly, another limitation includes the ready acceptance to answer the questionnaires provided in regard to this research project. The numbers of respondents willing to participate in this information even with assured anonymity provided several limitations toward tabulation and calculation accuracy in regard to percentages.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Pontrelli Recycling Project Plan Outline Essay Example
Pontrelli Recycling Project Plan Outline Essay Example Pontrelli Recycling Project Plan Outline Paper Pontrelli Recycling Project Plan Outline Paper This document summarizes the proposed process for implementing the Pontrelli Recycling, Inc. Mission Statement. Isaac Ross will conduct it The project stages will be executed with the following: I. Conduct Market Research 1. Focus Groups (Will recycling produce a positive NPV? ) 2. Cost/Benefit Analysis 3. Gather Information on Recycling (Internal/External) II. Broaden Recycling Capabilities 1. 1 Year Analysis of Company systems 2. Identify other areas that can have recycling implemented 3. Conduct Key Supervisor Workshop III. Conduct Financial Analysis 1. NPVââ¬â¢s conducted continuously 2. Established procedures for IRRââ¬â¢s 3. Conduct Cost Behavior analysis quarterly IV. Focus on the Mission Statement 1. Throughout the Project 2. Recycling mission must still ââ¬Å"Increase value and provide a fair returnâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ 3. Quarterly Town Hall Meetings with Shareholder of the project 4. Monthly Meeting with Stakeholder Pontrelli Planning Activities Pontrelli has a well-established mission statement for the company as a whole; they will need a more focused one, or a strategy statement for the current project concerning recycling. To piggyback from the current mission statement and adding a line concerning, ââ¬Å"To focus on recycling within the company, conduct business with those who take recycling as a high priority and identifying new avenues to take the company involving recycling, whileâ⬠¦(Insert the mission statement). â⬠Next, we identify the values of the project obviously; the primary value would a care for being a good corporate citizen. Whether the company is considering recycling for public image or the culture of the company truly is involved is immaterial. As long as any project taken up meets the companyââ¬â¢s values and gives benefit to the shareholders, then it can be considered a successful project. We will need to look at the company internally as well as the external associates and perceptions to determine an appropriate analysis. Conducting a SWOT will help us to determine the areas the company needs to focus on. This will allow the company to evaluate the project execution by keeping the direction on the straight and narrow path. The goal ultimately is to provide added value to the company through good PR, but cutting costs through recycling and identifying wasteful practices. This will produce increase efficiency throughout, helping to alter the culture of the company to one aligned with the companyââ¬â¢s goals. The outline above clearly states the objectives in a broad manner, allowing us to move on to a planning phase where we will hash out the specifics of each step. During the planning phase, an implementation plan will be decided upon and the initiation of the project can begin. The project, having the activities planned out can begin.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Free Essays on Religion In Schools
, which were purposely made vague. Much like anything we read, we have to interpret the meaning to apply it to a certain situation. So when it comes to allowing religion in the public schools, how do we decide if it is constitutional or not? Again, the constitution says, ââ¬Å"Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.â⬠Literally, it says that congress can not ââ¬Å"establishâ⬠a religion. To me, this means that congress cannot say that, for instance, everyone must be a United Methodist. However, we interpret that ââ¬Å"establishâ⬠means that congress cannot ââ¬Å"accept or recognizeâ⬠(Merriam-Webster on Establish) one particular religion. So letââ¬â¢s ask a question about religion in schools. ââ¬Å"Can we open class with prayer?â⬠The answer: not according to the Supreme Courtââ¬â¢s interpretation of the first clause of the 1st amendment. Why is it then, that every Wednesday a group of us gathered around the flagpole in front of my public high school, Boyle County, to pray? Not only that, but before school there was a bible study in the library and praise music in the cafeteria, in addition to the bi-weekly F.C.A.... Free Essays on Religion In Schools Free Essays on Religion In Schools The Founding Fathers Had the 1st Amendmentâ⬠¦ and the Last Word On December 15th, 1791, our ââ¬Å"founding fathersâ⬠ratified the Bill of Rights, which have been both the basis of our freedoms and the basis of our limitations. In particular, the 1st Amendment, and more specifically, the first two clauses: ââ¬Å" Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.â⬠At the time this was written, the new Americans were trying to do everything they could in order to ensure that our governmentââ¬â¢s power was as limited as possible. The thought of Englandââ¬â¢s power was frightening and disturbing. But since the Bill of Rights was written, we have had to face many problems that force us to interpret the words, which were purposely made vague. Much like anything we read, we have to interpret the meaning to apply it to a certain situation. So when it comes to allowing religion in the public schools, how do we decide if it is constitutional or not? Again, the constitution says, ââ¬Å"Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.â⬠Literally, it says that congress can not ââ¬Å"establishâ⬠a religion. To me, this means that congress cannot say that, for instance, everyone must be a United Methodist. However, we interpret that ââ¬Å"establishâ⬠means that congress cannot ââ¬Å"accept or recognizeâ⬠(Merriam-Webster on Establish) one particular religion. So letââ¬â¢s ask a question about religion in schools. ââ¬Å"Can we open class with prayer?â⬠The answer: not according to the Supreme Courtââ¬â¢s interpretation of the first clause of the 1st amendment. Why is it then, that every Wednesday a group of us gathered around the flagpole in front of my public high school, Boyle County, to pray? Not only that, but before school there was a bible study in the library and praise music in the cafeteria, in addition to the bi-weekly F.C.A....
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Environmental Effects of Plastic Water Bottles Essay
Environmental Effects of Plastic Water Bottles - Essay Example Research shows that approximately 18 million barrels of oil are used every year to manufacture plastic bottles in the US. It is also estimated that almost 3 million metric tons of carbon dioxide are generated from the production process. Other studies indicate that approximately 3 billion of plastic bottles are disposed of in the landfill. Less than 15% of the plastic bottles are recycled. As a result, the disposal cost for plastic waste is estimated at $100 million inclusive of the transport, collection, and litter removal cost.According to Dobkin, & Weigand, recycling of plastic bottles will ensure that the funds used for disposal are directed to more pressing issues such as the maintenance of public water infrastructure.Despite the availability of recycling infrastructures for plastic bottles, according to Hopewell, Dvorak, & Kosior, (2009), 85% of the plastic water bottles still end up in the landfills. Approximately 20 billion plastic bottles are disposed of in the landfills. Ea ch plastic bottle takes up over 500 years to decompose. The landfills are not only filled with plastic bottles, Li, et al., suggests that over 20 billion glass bottles that never decomposes also end up in the landfills. The chemical compounds used to manufacture the plastic bottles can have devastating effects on the human health. Studies show that plastic bottles used by most households are commonly made from polycarbonate compound. The compounds are usually released in the liquid stored in the container.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Military Industrial Complex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Military Industrial Complex - Essay Example The Military Industrial Complex is more than just a weapons supply system. It is a unique partnership that continues to exert substantial power and influence, has sustained America's arms superiority, and reshaped the American landscape as well as its economy. The beginnings of the expansion of the MIC can be attributed to Captain A.T. Mahan and his book The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783 (Liu 2). The book, published in 1890, was a series of lectures that Mahan had given at the Naval War College. Mahan's book initiated the beginnings of an expanded civilian shipbuilding business to supply the Navy with warships. Subsequent to the publication of Mahan's book, the first US battleship was built in 1893. Under the leadership of President Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909, an advocate of Mahan's theories, American civilian shipbuilders built 129 battleships under his administration (Liu 10). This major military buildup is generally viewed as the beginning of the MIC. World War II and its reliance upon the MIC had a profound effect on America both demographically and economically. During World War II, the Department of Defense spent in excess of $70 billion on civilian aerospace and defense contracts of which most were directed into California and the Southwest ("The Rise of the Sunbelt"). This increased spending in the region gave rise to the areas massive migration and sowed the seeds of the decline in the 'Rustbelt'. With the reliance on new technology, the military depends on civilian contractors for research and production. The nuclear buildup of the Cold War was an example of the MIC at work. It has been estimated that during the Cold War, the MIC employed 1 out of 3 research scientists and engineers in the US and spent 60% of the research and development dollars available (Cypher 37). This spending in the civilian sector by the Pentagon forms the backbone of the modern MIC and fuels the powerful influence it holds and creates the anxiety that it generates. The MIC is often viewed as a partnership that was formed during the Cold War in an effort to maintain "...peacetime defense spending to 'wartime' levels" (Bruntin). The fear through the Cold War and Vietnam was that this self-interested group would promote their own agenda at the public's expense. Reports of corruption, bribery, and fraud have served to maintain this image in the minds of many Americans (Bruntin). As the Cold War wound down the public anticipated a peace dividend that never arrived. The MIC has been subsequently put to use against new international enemies and the war on terror. The MIC is a cooperative effort between the military, industry, and the government. Sometimes called the iron triangle, the alliance between these groups is a necessary factor in America's arm superiority. The military has the motivation to keep an ongoing civilian supply of weapons research and development, even in periods of peace. The contractors have a need to continue to receive tax dollars to maintain their revenue stream. Politicians have an interest in maintaining a strong military, and contract dollars are fought for as politicians seek to
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